Thursday, November 09, 2006

You're Absolutely Right - It's Been More Than Four Days

Moreover, there were some other things in the last entry that were a little scattered and unruly. It was a test to make sure you readers were paying attention, and you passed with flying colors.

Today we got Mate (mah-tay) mugs with handmade designs of our favorite things about Argentina and customized names engraved. Mate is the national drink here, imagine it as really fancy tea out of a cool mug with a straw for a teabag and all the loose tea floating on top - I guess you need to see it to understand. The designs included an outline of the famous obelisk of Buenos Aires, a bottle of wine, a cigar and a tiny espresso coffee. We put the names "Emilia" and "Brian" on them, because that's what we're known as down here.

We enjoyed some time in San Martin park, doing our homework and looking at hundreds of giant hearts on display. Like the Northwest does occasionally with pigs or other creatures, Buenos Aires has a fundraiser where businesses sponsor artists to design giant (5 feet across) hearts of all different colors and designs.

We also enjoyed crossing the insanely busy streets of the financial district. It's akin to the battles of old, with the opposition waiting on the other side of the street for the signal to cross. You have to fight your way through the ranks, if you've watched fight scenes from Braveheart it's exactly like that only with shopping bags and briefcases instead of picks and axes.

Speaking of Mel Gibson, we've recently experienced the phenomena of understanding Castillano (Spanish) and can now understand (mas o menos) the conversations around us - just like in What Women Want when Mel Gibson can suddenly hear the thoughts of women in his vicinity.

One last clarification - Spanish and Castillano are ESSENTIALLY the same thing, but Spanish is spoken everywhere except Spain, Argentina and apparently Uruguay. In Castillano you use your hands as much as your mouth and it has an accent and a rhythym that will make your head turn. Otherwise, they are the same. Oh, and they say "Ciao" here.



Anonymous said...

Did you lose all your pictures when your camera was stolen???? We were wondering here on the east the names..Brian & Emilia...glad you understand the language..that was part of the purpose of the trip, eh? Sounds like you are still flying amidst adventure..although parts of Argentina sound very much like ya, mom

Anonymous said...


You say that mate is the national drink of Argentina. I find this hard to believe. What kind of country has time to declare a national drink? I mean, come on. I wasn't born on November 9th, 2006.


Anonymous said...

Nice to have the updates...sounds amazing! You may want to stay there when you consider the political climate and future around here. Scary times!
Looking forward to sharing the holidays with you. Lots of snow in the WA mountains and an early ski season!

Anonymous said...

Ryan and Emily,
I LOVE reading about all of your adventures south of the equator. It sounds like you all are having a fabulous time. Enjoy Argentina and eat lots of ice cream's incredible and they deliver it on motorbikes like pizza!
